Friday, July 31, 2009

Nikon D60
Shutter 1
F 4.5
Exposure 0
Night Portrait Setting
Focal 92mm

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Backyard Bee

Nikon D60
Stop Motion Movie feature

Walking around together?

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if people were available to meet an hour before class to walk around and take pictures together. It is interesting to see what others see.

If you are free. Let's meet on the Dwinelle steps at 6pm. I'll be there. There should be good lighting.


Homework - night photos

Nikon D60
Shutter 1/2
F 6.3
Exposure +1
Focal 55mm

Original image (center)
Auto levels (left)
Shadow/highlight (right)

Location: Next door neighbor window, South Berkeley

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Spotlight Picture

This was taken in the parking lot of Lawrence Hall of Science around 10:30pm on a foggy night.
Which do you like better?

focal length: 29.0 mm
30.00 secs
f/22.0 -Aperture Priority
ISO 1000

Night Photos - No flash for all these pictures

My favorite. I love the sharpness of the stop sign and the twinkle above the chairs.
focal length: 28.0mm
30.00 secs
f/22 Aperture Priority
ISO 800

Bowles Hall
focal length: 28.00 mm
13.00 secs
f/22 - Aperture Priority
ISO 1000

Bus found at the top floor of the Bay St parking lot.
focal length: 28mm
2.5 secs
f/22 - Aperture Priority
ISO 1000

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trevor Paglen

Here is a link to the artist I spoke about during our previous class. I saw some people perk up when I described his work and I thought you might be interested in seeing some of it.

DW revisited

I was looking at the images of the orchids zoomed in and that is when I saw the difference in grain. I love the light reflecting off the top of the ISO 100 picture. the ISO 800 is the best picture in terms of capturing the bumps. You can almost pop them.

ISO 1600

ISO 800

ISO 100

Trees in three exposure bias

I was hiking in Point Reyes and I wanted to see how the camera would handle the differing amounts of light in the background vs the forground. I set the shutter priority to 1/60 because I wanted to minimize movement blurriness.

Exposure Bias: -2.0
ISO 100
focal length: 70.0mm

Exposure Bias: 0
ISO 100

Exposure Bias: +2.0
ISO 100

Monday, July 27, 2009

Orchids in three different ISO settings

I took these photos in natural light coming from behind me. His name is DW, short for Dudette Wayne.

ISO 1600

ISO 800

ISO 100

Exposure, Flash and ISO

Exposure: My favorite is the 0 Exposure because it captures the shadows, the details, and the mood the best. The -1 Exposure is a little too dark, while the +1 is too washed out.

-1 Exposure:

0 Exposure:

+1 Exposure:

Flash: Interestingly, the picture without the flash came out better lit than the one with the flash, probably because the shutter stayed open longer. The slow-synchro setting created a warmer looking picture than the no-flash did.

No Flash:


Slow Synchro:

ISO: There was a very clear difference between these three pictures, taken in low light indoors. The high ISO is VERY grainy, while the low ISO is quite blurry. The middle was the happy medium but the picture could have benefited from some other techniques to make it perfect (it is still a little grainy and a little blurry). 

ISO 1600:

ISO 400:

ISO 80:


Something that I didn't make clear during class was that panning is a technique. You can do that if your camera has a panning IS mode or not. Here is an example of an image where the photographer employed the panning technique.

The photo was by Wisdoc. Here is a great tutorial on panning:

Picture Envy

In Mexico, my friend and I were taking a lot of the same pictures, but somehow hers always turned out better! Here's some for comparison, and some things that I might have done better next time.



-I would change the perspective of mine, along with the focal point (hers was centered more on the cross. She also has a bit of a different lighting technique going on. 

-Again, the perspective on hers is very different, capturing much more of the earthy feeling of being on a farm. I also feel like her colors may have been a bit more vivid. 

-I like the lighting better on hers, which  was taken at a different time of day. Again, the perspective is different, but she also captures the movement of the people around the building, something that I tried to cut out.

-I actually like the picture I took as well as the one she did, but they tell a different story. Her camera, of course, is better than mine, but to make my picture more clear I might have tried a different ISO setting? Or maybe some IS would have helped here??

My homework

Monday, July 20, 2009